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Kids Links

Large pipes with a red valve wheel at a water treatment facility.

Links & Other Cool Sites for Kids

  • Online Learning Fun With Physics - (Link Submitted by Ava): The world is a fascinating place. From the colors of leaves to how birds fly, there’s always something new to explore. What you may not realize is that a special field of science called physics helps explain how a lot of things in the world work. Physics explains how things move and how different kinds of energy can affect these things. Once someone understands the rules of physics, it’s possible to understand how the whole universe works!
  • Check out Science News for Kids: Ask questions of scientists featured in articles, try out mathematical puzzles, and submit your own work for possible web publication. How cool is that? To find information on our favorite subject, go to the search box and type in the word "wastewater".
  • A Guide to Simple Machines (Link Submitted by Students of Kingston Schools): As people perform work, simple machines can make tasks easier by pushing or pulling objects over a distance. Simple machines include pulleys, wheels and axles, levers, inclined planes, screws, and wedges. When more than one simple machine works together, they create a compound machine.
  • Science Page on Human and Animal Teeth - Fun Mouth Anatomy for Kids!: Every time you eat a meal, you use them. If you do not take good care of them, they will start to hurt and might even eventually fall out of your head. They are some of the first things that others notice about you, and they can make your smile either one of your best or one of your worst features. What we are describing, of course, is your teeth.
  • Science Kids - Fun Science and Technology for Kids!: Science Kids is the home of science & technology on the Internet for children around the world. Learn more about the amazing world of science by enjoying our fun science experiments, cool facts, online games, free activities, ideas, lesson plans, photos, quizzes, videos & science fair projects.
  • Wastewater Treatment for Youngsters (Ages 8-80): Join Snowy, Drake and Froggster as they guide you through the wastewater collection and treatment process in the Twin Cities along the Mississippi River.
  • Simple Machines Used in Elevators (Link submitted by Dakota): Elevators, like all complex machines, are made up of several simple machines working together. Unseen by most elevator users are the hidden parts needed for an elevator to work. These include the metal box or “car” a user rides in, counterweights for balance, an electric motor and braking system, pulleys with cables that run between the motors, and a safety system in case a cable breaks. All of these key parts are made from six simple machines.